Year 7 Music

Research shows that children who study music tend to have larger vocabularies and more advanced reading skills. Additionally, learning a musical instrument can enhance critical thinking, teamwork, and academic performance, with students more likely to excel in their studies, stay in school longer, and pursue further education.

The Year 7 Music course at St Brendan’s College is designed to engage students in music-making, developing foundational skills in drums, guitar, keyboard, Irish whistle, and singing. To teach rhythm in a practical and engaging way, the program incorporates cajóns—a Peruvian box-shaped percussion instrument—allowing an entire class to learn rhythm simultaneously.

Head of Music, Mr Jack Ingram, who has been a part of the College’s Music Department since 1982, explains:

“When Year 7 was introduced into secondary school, we wanted to move away from traditional theory-based music instruction and find a way to engage students in a more practical, hands-on approach.”

Each term, students showcase their progress through an in-class performance, giving them the opportunity to build confidence and experience the joy of performing in front of their peers.

For students interested in learning a brass or woodwind instrument, the Year 7 Concert Band class is offered as an elective. No prior experience is required, and students will receive instruction in their chosen instrument while playing as part of an ensemble. Those wishing to be involved should contact the Head of Music or Student Admissions for more information.

Year 7 students use cajons to learn rhythm in the classroom.