Senior School Music
Highlighting the significant emphasis and support for music and performance at St Brendan's College, Music is offered as a significant elective program in Senior School. Students can choose to study 1) OP Music 2) Music Certification (AMEB & Trinity College) 3) Private Music Tuition 4) Instrumental Band, and 5) Music Theory and Performance as part of their Senior studies. (In Music Certification (AMEB & Trinity College) Private Music Tuition and Music Theory and Performance, students should ideally have been studying an instrument in Year 10, if not longer, but this is not essential.)
Students must be able to play a musical instrument or have taken singing or music examinations in the past to study OP Music. A study of music assists students in understanding and heightening the enjoyment of art in their lives and the music heritage of a range of cultures. From a career perspective, there are many industries which employ musicians in primary or secondary roles, including education, theatre companies, advertising agencies, event management organisations, the armed forces, film and television and record industries. Assessment in OP Music is undertaken in both practical and theoretical domains and encompasses Musicology, Composition and Performance.
In Music Certification (AMEB) & Private Music Tuition, students should ideally have been studying an instrument in Year 10, if not longer, but this is not essential. They must have a desire to understand the theoretical aspects to the writing and reading of music. Students are to attempt to reach their Grade Five Theory exam for recognition on their Senior Statement. Students will study a two-year course on units of work incorporating pitch and tonality, creative work and general knowledge.
Instrumental Band is offered as a course in Senior. For the serious music student considering a career in music, music education or education, this course will provide the opportunity to acquire performance, theoretical and musicianship skills essential for direct and audition entry into relevant tertiary institutions. Students will work towards Grade 5 Theory and Grade 7 Ensemble Certification offered by the Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB).